
Wednesday 10 September 2014

Power of Touch (Review)

It had been a hectic month with lots of travelling, caring for the sick and playing single mother's role - not because I wanted to, by divorce or heart-breaking loss but because the father of my children was away. 

There were days, I found myself looking like a train wreak and feeding my kids noodles from a cup! Of course the kids loved it because noodles in a cup are a treat! Something they only get to eat once a year.
But despite all that, I managed to stay sane and did not blow my top off thanks to our nightly rituals.

Since daddy wasn't around, these divas invaded my room and decreed that they slept in my room! So it was a month long slumber party with some pillow fights, story telling and the best of all, massages!
The silver lining to this, I was given the royal treatment, every night after our bedtime story and just before lights off, the girls would give me a massage. One on my feet, one my back and the other, on my hands. Sometimes, I would be fed grapes while I lay on my bed, like Cleopatra - but looking nothing like Cleopatra.

This act miraculously sucked away all my lethargy and edginess, and replaced it with a strong bond of love. Enough to fuel and recharge me so I can tackle yet another adventurous day.

Touching, whether yourself or others (no strangers please!) is very powerful. It sends all the right signals needed to our emotions when one is in distress - a hug, wiping off tears, cuddling - or in any situation. So powerful is touch that it is baby's first sense (or language) and is developed around 8 weeks in your womb, in your first trimester.

Even when your baby bump may not show, the life inside can already sense the bond with the mother - the embryo, sized of a jelly bean, is already bonding with the mother and can sense the warmth from the mother's hand resting on her belly.

Bonding with my newborn started in the birthing room itself. Immediately after delivering my baby, she was placed on my chest, to help her feel calm while she listened to a familiar sound, my heartbeat.

It is easy to bond with an infant, because they are made so beautiful - with big lovely eyes, soft skin, tiny hands and feet, and that baby odour which instantly makes you want to carry and cuddle a baby. Perhaps nature intended it to be this way because bonding is very important to mother and infant.

It was through bonding, I managed to understand all cues and what every cry meant, each time my infant cried. So powerful is bonding that at times, I was able to predict her actions even before she could cry to get my attention. It was because of bonding I managed to ace through my early days with my infant without too much pain.

Every mother knows, the early days after delivery are the hardest because both mother and baby are learning to adjust. Life could not have been simpler for me if not for breastfeeding, babywearing and bed-sharing.   

There are many other ways to bond and massage is one form that I practise till today. While I was still under confinement, we had a specialist that massaged and bathed my infant. She had her own traditional techniques and used a special food oil to massage my baby.

She also stressed, it was very important to apply baby cream on hot days because baby's skin tends to lose moisture faster than adult skin.
Taking heed of her advice, I maintained this ritual and 2 years later, my toddler's skin is still supple and soft.

On September 6, 2014, Johnson's Baby organised an interactive workshop titled "Are You Caring for His Skin the Right Way" (please click on this to learn more about it) and from it I gathered some important information such as:
  • Baby skin is 30% thinner than adult skin, and loses water more quickly during the first 12 months*
  • Right baby skincare is critical in the first months of a baby's life because baby's skin is more vulnerable to dryness, irritation and infection*
  • It is important to review a product from the perspective of mildness and safety as well as scientific evidence, rather than relying on a label that says 'natural' or 'organic', alone* 
I was contacted to share a personal review for some of Johnson's Baby products and received a sample to test out their latest range; Day and Night Regime.

I used these products over the course of 6 days and found it to be very gentle and mild. The baby oil wasn't overly oily or slippery and smelled divine, especially the bedtime oil.

My night-time routine was, start off with a nice warm bath using Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bath. I added a few drops of this soap into her tub and gently scrubbed her body with a soft cloth towel. After that, she received a massage using their bedtime oil or bedtime lotion. I did not use the bedtime powder.

After a short story, it was lights off and she dozed off to sleep easily.  

Johnson's Baby Night-time Regime

I had the same regime during the day but instead of a bubble bath, she showered with the top-to-toe wash and received a massage with baby oil on cold days or baby lotion. I avoided the powder because she licked her arms when I applied some powder - guess it must have tasted nice.

Johnson's Baby Day-time Regime

All these bottles come in standard size with an easy flip open and pour nozzle. I was most impressed the baby oil bottles. Both these bottles had a secure cap which required you to push and twist to open, usually seen on vitamin bottles. I particularly liked this because if my toddler somehow managed to grab this baby oil bottle, she will not be able to open and mess up my whole bedroom! It's a nightmare to clean oil stains. I have had similar accidents with the older Johnson's baby oil bottle.

I also received skincare wipes and messy times wipes. These were very handy and travelled with me wherever I went. I liked the messy wipes because it did not tear off easily and cleared a lot of mess from her face and high-chair table with just one wipe.


Overall, I give it a thumbs up because Johnson's Baby had come up with a brilliant way to encourage parents to continue bonding with their children beyond baby years. Bonding should never cease and having such affordable products that are easily available and backed by detailed research is very helpful. 

I looked beyond the extrinsic benefits these products gave and saw the brilliance of their idea - To encourage bonding through massage. This paved way for parents to actively nourish child's skin while indirectly feeding her emotional needs.

"Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for infants. Food as important as minerals, vitamins and proteins." Dr. Frederick Laboyer 

Through this bonding act, I continued feeding my children and myself the nutrients I needed to ensure a safe, happy and emotionally healthy relationship. 

*Information taken from the workshop
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Thank you for stopping by at A cuppa for my thoughts

Disclosure: Products used in this post were given to me for review purposes. I was not compensated in any other way and opinions shared are mine (unless otherwise stated)

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