
Saturday 30 March 2013

A morning with 'Little' Stars


Very rare, this day is. It's 7.45pm,  I look in the mirror and see myself smiling. Usually at this hour I would be frantically setting the table and getting my kids ready for dinner but not today, 28th March 2013.

Despite having 5 children in the house, a 14 months old baby, 4 years old toddler, 6, 8 and 12 years old girls. I am still smiling.


The night before

Making sure I have the right outfit and make-up. Called my fashion consultant, Fiona Biggs, to be certain and rummaged through my sister's cupboards too!
For a SAHM (stay-at-home mother), dressing up is something I do once in a blue moon. I ain't a Hollywood mama and no paparazzi wants to take my shot.
Made sure my diaper bag had all the essentials needed for my baby's needs.


All Systems Go

Got up early, you cannot trust KL traffic, got my baby showered while she was still asleep, which was a fuss-free experience since she loves her baths. Made it very early so had a cup of Joe while waiting for the rest.

This would be my first time officially demonstrating and sharing the benefits of baby wearing to the media along side Lina Teoh and Harith Iskandar.
Baby wearing Awareness Campaign by Bloom & Grow

Lights! Camera! Actions!

It was rather fun presenting along these two. When you share a common interest it's easy to jive and work together. Having so much time allocated to speak, I didn't feel nervous at all. Guess having baby S with me helped me stay calm and focused.

My little star wooed the crowd with her smiles and adorable demeanor. She didn't throw any fuss and was brilliant to work it. She allowed Jonathan (whom she met once 12 months ago) to carry her during our demonstration session.

Zander in Ergo Sports, Hip Carry

The other little star was Harith & Jezamine's son, Zander. 
A cheeky little fella who was chasing after the apple of my eye with 
his sloppy kisses.
This little boy has been well trained.
He is all smiles each time a camera approaches to capture him.

Sharing Session

I am a baby wearing enthusiast but little did I know I was able to confidently assist Lina Teoh trouble-shoot with her BabaSling.

BabaSling is a cross between a Soft Structured Carrier-SSC (example; Ergo) and a Ring Sling. With the BabaSling once you find the perfect fit for you, no need for readjustments at each wear.

BabaSling's shoulder pad is generously padded and comes with a safety strap in case the main buckle gives way. 

The cloth used is very light and has a nice feel to it. It's made of 100% cotton with a high thread count. Sounds like you are buying a bed sheet right?

I must add, of all the baby wearing gears I have tried (wraps, ring slings and soft structured carriers; which will be discussed in detail soon, stay tuned), sling has the longest learning curve. It's the trickiest to master and if you are in possession of a poorly made sling i.e. one with a slippery materials, weak rings and unsafe buckles, you will hate baby wearing. 

So take your time, read reviews and if possible borrow one from a friend. It's always good to know what you are getting into. 
TheBabaSling Lite (Fuschia Pink); Little Joey
I was very lucky to have found the right sling to start off with. I had the older version TheBabaSling. Apart from the cloth used for this sling everything else is the same. Still, I prefer the newer and improved version, TheBabaSling Lite and have fallen in love with the fuschia pink which was lent to me by my sis-in-law. 

Carry Position : Side Saddle
For more colours and carrying positions 
(I personally recommend the upright carrying positions, from birth)

Harith Attack

I did not harm Harith in any way, I just like the way 'Harith Attack' rhymed.

He hasn't carried his son on his back before (not sure if it was dislike for the apparatus...). So I assisted him, getting a snug as a bug fit and showing him how safe the Ergo really is. Thanks to the safety elastic loop attached to each strap.  Having said that, please take your time and read through the manual that comes with your Ergo. Please be very curious and find out why does the carrier come with features like the Safety elastic loops and Elastic holder.

Zander seemed quite comfortable in the back carry but Harith misses not being able to see his son.
That's the beauty of this carrier. It allows you to carry your baby the way it's most comfortable and feels right for baby and you.

I too love to front carry my baby because I love to kiss her head all the time. Also, it's easier for me to breastfeed her anytime and anywhere.

There are 3 main carrying position with the Ergo, Front Carry, Back Carry and Side Carry. With the right techniques shown, you would be able to master wearing this in no time.
Front Carry in Classic Ergo
Ergo would be the quickest and most convenient baby carrier. If you are able to fold it neatly, it may fit into your diaper bag too and 'come in handy at any moment in time'.

Back Carry
It's definitely worth having this carrier. It's good, sturdy and can last you a long time.
As mentioned by Doctor Moira Robertson of Scoliosis Bracing at the event, find a carrier which takes the weight away from your shoulders and upper back and is distributed evenly. Just like your backpack, Ergo works in the same manner. Most of the weight will be borne by the padded waist belt. Having said that, I honestly really discourage going for hiking and riding using this method.
Lets make baby wearing a safe and enjoyable experience.
Side Carry in my Dragon Ergo while showing the safety features on TheBabaSling with Jonathan Horsley
SSCs are generally more costly than a sling but start with the Classic Ergo, that wouldn't burn a big hole in your wallet.

Hippychick Hipseat

It is like a waist belt but with padded foam shelf developed to allow adults to carry their children naturally on their hip without the usual strains on the back.
When I first saw this hipseat, I thought how genius someone has turned their loaded and heavy waist pouch into a carrier. It's fairly easy to wear and is good for toddlers who constantly keep changing their minds from wanting to be carried and independently walk. It's also a good weight bearing exercise (with all the ups and downs movements) without hurting your back. After trying this out, thanks to Ashley and little Keylene who lent it to me, I think I need to get me one too.
Hippychick Hipseat
Hip Diagram

Back to warm cosy life

It was an eye-opener for me, but it was also such a rewarding experience to being part of such an event. I don't despise my life as a SAHM but getting out and rubbing shoulders with enthusiastic parents (being famous artistes adds the glamour, for sure), sharing with them my experience was precisely what I had needed to get out and see the world every once in a while.

For more pictures on this event check out Media Page & Babywearing Awareness Campaign


Now, where's my coffee this morning...? 

Lets get connected:

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Thank you for stopping by at A cuppa for my thoughts




  1. Great post, Jasbir! Great to find your blog after seeing your names appear for few times in BabyTalk Malaysia Magazine.



  2. Love this..after talking to u on Fb about baby slings n wrap..and you promoting this for a cool Jasbir. .and you looked damn good :-D

